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which dry food

18 17:28:42

Hi there, we have a 5 year old minature jack russell male. we have recently taken him to the vets about him having bad breath. the vet told us not to feed him canned dog food because he eats it to fast and its not that good for his teeth. he told us to try him on dry food insead. we tryed but he just wont eat it. do you know any types of dry dog food that a dog would like as much or even better than canned dog food.
hope to hear soon.

Most dogs can be trained to eat dry chow.  It isn't always easy doing what is best for our dogs.  He may need to lose weight.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them.  Each dog is different.  Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,  You might have the vet confirm your judgment.  

I would stick to the dry version of what you have been feeding.  Too much changing chows can create problems.  The worst thing you can do is to bribe a dog with rich foods into eating more than it needs. Instead, Put down the dish with what the dog should eat, and give it 15 minutes to eat. Then take it up. Do not give it anything to eat until its next scheduled meal. In a few days, it should be eating what it needs. Continue to check its ribs and adjust the food as needed. This is not easy. I had a Shepherd go 3 days on a few nibbles. I was a wreck, but she was fine. It is almost unknown for a healthy dog not to eat what it needs. Unfortunately, in too many cases, it is less than the package says, and less than the owner thinks the dog should have. Many dogs are quite good at holding out for tastier chow. Like kids, sometimes it calls for tough love.