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Lasa Apso

18 17:29:17

We just bought a 4 month old male Lasa Apso tonight and he seems to be slightly overweight. How much should we be feeding him? And what brand of food should we go with? Thank you for your time.

If he was eating a common brand of dry dog chow, likely sticking to it and very little else would be as good as anything.  Dog nutrition is well know, and most brands are carefully formulated to give the dogs the complete and balanced diet they need.  You may hear otherwise, but much of what you hear is fear mongering, marketing hype from those selling higher profit chows.  The less switching around of chows, the better.

Likely the package will suggest a cup or 2 for him a day.  Two meals a day of 3/4 cup would be a good place to start.  Overweight is a common problem and easy to do with small dogs.  Evaluate him as in  Keep rechecking him and adjust how much he gets until he levels off at the ideal condition.  As he completes his growth, you may need to cut back a little more.  When you have him in, have the vet confirm your judgment of his condition.