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down pasterns problem

18 17:15:24

Good Morning Sir/Madam. I have a 5 months female GSD, at 3 months of her age it was affected by severe Parvo virus and treated for 20 days, during those days i am advised not to feed calcium. its ok now. But the problem is now it is suffering from Down Pasterns, the vet say it is calcium and problem and i started using Arachitol injection once in 10 days, and calcium liquid and calcirol powder every day without fail. But after a month its still the same. Please advice me what to do and what to feed. I am feeding with a cup of pedigree with milk a little rice and 3 boiled eggs a day. it weighs 12 Kgs now. And yesterday i noticed the same problem in her sister, but not so major problem, it has a little low pasterns. i think it is a genetic problem. is there any cure if it is genetic problem. please advice. i love my dog very much. Thank you.

The damage may not be reversed, but the best thing is a good diet.  It is a mistake to be adding so much to the diet.  Over the next week, cut back on everything but the Pedigree.  It alone is a complete and balanced diet.  Feeding it alone is the best way to keep your dogs healthy.  For now 3 cups a day might be right.  Adjust as needed to maintain good body condition,