Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > chi


18 17:28:19

I have a 6 month old chihuahua. I feed him on a schedule but at times he doesn't eat. Should I free feed him? I am concern that when I take his plate up when he doesn't eat he will get sick. What should I do?

Hi Kit:
Chi doggies need to eat 2-3 x per day or they can get hypoglycemic ( low blood sugar)..  I would not free feed because they can over eat.  You don't want an overweight chi because then you will have knee problems.
You can offer a piece of cheese between meal times.  ( 1 cube )

I hope you are feeding a good quality food that is holistic , if possible.
You can buy a little dog gravy - they make all kinds of flavors.. Put a teaspoon on top of the dry dog food 1 x per day.... It smells good and may get your chi to eat

good luck with all...  Thanks for your question.

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel and NuVET Plus Doggie Vitamins