Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Best Food for my puppy ; blue buffalo is a good dog food;

Best Food for my puppy ; blue buffalo is a good dog food;

18 17:25:06

Hi Marie,
I have a 6 month old puppy and we have been feeding him Blue Buffalo.  The vet suggested now that we put him on Hills prescription Diet t/d because of his breed being a puggle they are know for problems with their teeth and would want to prevent that. Do you think we should switch to the prescription brand or stick with Blue Buffalo? We were also thinking of Innova.  Which do you find to be a better brand, Blue Buffalo or Innova?
Thank you


Hill's RX diet review; puppy and blue buffalo dog food ; puppy feeding ;

Diana ;  Sorry but your vet is just trying to sell you that junk food.  Don't do it...  Blue Buffalo is a fine food for your baby - YOU can also do some Innova PUPPY or Wellness PUPPY-  You can take 50% of the Blue Buffalo and do 50% of Innova PUPPY -  and just mix the two... after 3-4 months you can mix some Wellness Adult with the Blue Buffalo or Innova Adult with the Blue Buffalo.

Believe me, you dog doesn't need the Hills prescritpion diet or the Royal Canine prescription diet...

BEST wishes...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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