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turkey dog food

18 17:14:08

Another dog owner told me turkey was very bad for dogs according to his vet.  Said it had chemicals that were bad for the digestive track and that it caused serious injury to his previous Scotty. He also said you never see turkey in canned dog food.  But I checked and found a dozen manufactures using turkey as the main ingredient.  Blue Buffalo states many benefits of turkey.   I've been feeding my Min.Schnauzer's cooked ground turkey almost daily.  This is my third one and no vet has said anything negative about turkey for dogs. I add Royal Canine and black rice in the evening.

Any advice?



Hi Chuck
I am inclined to agree with the other manufacturers that tout the benefits of Turkey for it's amino acids and lean protein qualities.  Also your experience with feeding is a good testament to it.  
Varying your dogs diet is extremely beneficial (as it is to us) and trying beef, chicken and veggies as well as lean pork and grains will delight your dog.

Thanks for writing.