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dog food reviews pet nurse marie ; how about Chicken Soup brand

18 17:25:17

Hi i'm currently feeding 8 big dogs, 5 APBT 3 German Shepherds. Right now we are feeding Purina Dog Chow. my vet thinks it's a good dog food but i've heard that it's not so good. what kind of dog food would you suggest? I need something that is not going to break the bank. it can get expensive feeding all these big eaters.

Thank you

Wow Susan , I sure do understand your concern about the food and about $$$$, too!

HOW about you just mix a good food into the PURINA chow.
Purina is full of fillers that can make dogs overweight...
So, use it but lessen the amounts..... Add one of the following:
If you can find : Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's is Excellent and lower cost than many of the Organic foods.

If you can't find the one I just mentioned, how about - Wellness Core ( ocean ) or Innova EVO - again, KEEP using the Purina and just mix the more costly food into the Purina.
YOU don't need to get off the Purina, just Lessen it.

Any dogs that are sickly or underweight should use a NuVET wafer per day: Excellent and a great immune system booster:
Also excellent for the skin and cost issues / hot spots....
see here:

BEST wishes on this!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA