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Kidney Disease in dogs

18 17:29:09

My dog is a standard poodle that was diagnosed with kidney disease in July of 07.  My dog lies around very tired most of the time.  Her eyes are weak and she does not nave that spunk that she once had.  Her vet says that she is not in pain and had placed her on a Purina NF kidney diet.  She has since become herself again until about 1 month ago and I took her back to her vet 2 weeks agon and the Dr. placed her on a chicken and rice diet.  She is kind of coming around but the vet says that since she is only 5 years old that her diagnosis is unusual for a standard poodle of her age.  The chicken and rice gets very expensive so I am looking for a healthy diet that I could perhaps freeze or something that will make her feel better and that she would enjoy as well.  The vet is suggesting that after a few weeks of her chicken and rice, if she does not feel any better that they may perhaps need to find the source of her illness.  

Please help.

Darcell L. Atkinson

The chicken and rice is a common temporary bland diet, but should not be fed indefinitely.  It really seems to me the vet should be treating her more aggressively.  If she wasn't doing well on the Purina, perhaps she would do better on the Science equivalent.