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12 week yorkie poo eating

18 17:20:35

Hello,  I have a 12 week old yorkie poo pup. She was 8 weeks when I got her.  She was eating Pedigree canned dog food. I kept her on this for a week or two feeding her small amounts 4 or 5 times a day. She started to show very little interest in it... as we have 2 older dogs that eat dry food. I then got her Iams small breed dry puppy food and mixed a little of that in with the canned, increasing the amount of dry food every other day.  She is now on all dry food.  My question is how much should she be eating?  I feed her 4 times a day.  In the morning she gets a little less than a 1/4 cup. Then mid morning she gets a small handful.  Late afternoon she gets another 1/4 cup and an hour before bed she gets a small handful. Every time she eats she acts like she hasn't eaten in days and does not chew the food, her tummy usually feels bloated after the larger feedings. She does not weigh more than two pounds currently. Thanks  

Start with slowing her eating down.  There are not one, but 2 easy, tested, effective ways to control rapid eating. You can spread the food out on a cookie sheet or something. Some of my friends just throw it on the floor of the crate. You can put large rocks in the food dish, much to big to swallow. Either way, the dog can't gulp down one big mouthful after another.

You should be feeding a puppy chow now. Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds at 4 months, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

Poo eating?  The best solution to stool eating, coprophagy, is cleaning them up before the dog has a chance. You can try food additives, the home remedies pineapple juice or canned pumpkin or the commercial products Forbid or Deter.

Why dogs do it is poorly understood. It may be diet related, but changing the dog's diet might cause worse problems. Whatever problems it causes for the owner, it doesn't seem to hurt the dog unless you are trying to clear up a worm infestation.

For more information see

Maybe I wasn't explicit enough, but nobody that knows much would ever give a specific answer to how much.  There is no right answer to that although many clueless people do give them.  I gave you a link to a system where you could learn how much it actually should be fed.  You did mention the rapid eating in your question. You gave a very good answer a terrible rating.