Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > 15 year old cocker spainel

15 year old cocker spainel

18 17:27:24

My cocker is 15. Has always eaten dry food and been very healthy. About 3 months ago her eating diminished drastically. She hardly touches her dry food. What can I feed her at this age as far as something I would mix up(raw diet, vegetables,etc.). She has never really eaten people food and canned food has always given her stomach upset.

Good morning, Suzanne.

I'm sorry your Cocker isn't feeling very well.  There is a lot you can offer as far as home prepared meals are concerned.

However, prior to changing anything, it would be important to have a full senior blood panel done to make sure there isn't an underlying cause for your Cocker's lack of appetite.  At her age, things like diminishing kidney function can cause a lack of appetite so we do need to know how her blood work looks.

From there, we can put together a diet plan for her that I'm sure she'd love and do great on.

I look forward to hearing  back from  you.

Gail E. Vigneault