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canine nutrition addressing prevention of kidney/bladder stones

18 17:28:33

My dog Jack was DX w/bladder and kidney stones 2 years ago...given antibiotic and Hill's CD canned and dry to dissolve crystals. Infection/blood cleared up, urine stream returned decently and he remained on Hills cd dry as per vet instructions as she wanted him to have low protein/phos/magn...

Cat recently dx w/diabetes has led me to research pet foods and because of this research I now realize I can do better for my dog, but am unsure of which food would be best to prevent further formation of stones/infection or further kidney issues.

i am not positive that all stones were completely dissolved, however there has been no further infection, pain/discomfort or issues other than slow urine stream for almost 2 years (eating Hill's dry the whole time)

The food will need to be a high quality canned product as I lack the time for raw diet prep and affordability to ship frozen fresh is issue.

Feeding Wellness canned to the diabetic cat currently...wondering if Wellness for dogs would work for my Jack? Can I choose just any high quality canned food? Does it need to be low protein/magn/phos? Is there a special canned diet for urinary tract health in dogs?

Would appreciate any guidance or insight, thank you!

Melissa - I just need to be clear, your dog had struvite crystals? The short answer is, if it's struvites and he has no infection now, and no evidence of crytsals, ask your vet if there are alternatives. I develop home prepared diets for struvites, urates and oxalates all the time - we use different dietary management according to type of crystal - and some dogs with struvites *can* go back onto regular diet once the infection has cleared. The fact there was no need for surgery is encouraging. However, this is a painful and even dangerous condition and I wouldn't fool around with it. Check with your vet, but be prepared that Hill's may be your only option if you don't want to go home-made. I don't like the ingredients in Hill's either, but they do an excellent job with their formulas, these diets do help control the conditions they're prescribed for.

I can help you with a home made diet, but if it doesn't fit your lifestyle, I'd stick with what your vet recommends.
Do let me know what type the crystals were and what your vet thinks.
Sorry to hear about your issues, too!
