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dog food reviews for Labs; NuVET for labs ;

18 17:22:54

I have 2 Labs one is about 80 pounds and the other is about 60 pounds.i feed them dry food from wal-mart and moist and meaty food from wal-mart.
they both are the old Roy brand.
is this a good food to be giving them.
The older lab pants all the time any idea at what may cause this?
the older one also scratches a lot could the food be causing this?

Dog food reviews; dog food for Labs ; supplements for Labs;
Walmart dog food brands ; OLE Roy dog food ????
Hi John, I would love to have you change your food brand to something with less Corn.
The Walmart ( Ole' Roy ) has a bunch of corn fillers and other junk fillers.
Yes, with a food change and a NuVET supplement, you should see results in less than 3 -4 weeks.
Please get the following dog food ( Pick one)-
Innova EVO reduced fat formula  ( grain free dog food)
Wellness CORE - reduced fat dog food ( again, grain free)
Merrick BEFORE Grain ( look for the low fat or reduced fat)
Mix the Ole'ROY and the new food at a 50:50 mix for 2 weeks.  AFTER that, go to the new food.
The new food is grain-free so you feed MUCH less than you did of the Walmart dog food.
VERY condensed so the poops are smaller.

To GET rid of the itching and shedding :  NuVET Plus

Please place this Lab onto this Allergy Blaster  & Immune System booster.

NuVET plus - Wafer treat / JUST one per day - long term.
GREAT for both of your dogs.
BEST to CALL in your order:  YOU get a 60 day guaranteed trial when you call.

Not sold in stores ; see here for ordering :
or Call 1-800-474-7044
( tell them pet nurse Marie sent you over )
Ask for the 15 % off Program.

A good change over and the NuVET will be the answer to this problem.  
Good luck and Keep me posted.

Marie Peppers LPN MA