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Dog food for a 14 yr old diabetic dog

18 17:16:00

My dog is 14 and has been diabetic for 3 years and doing very good.  I give 16 units of Humulin N insulin twice daily.  Right now she eats Science Diet WD, 6 cups a day, that the vet said is the best but I am wondering if it is really best for my dog.  She is a lab/Australian shepard about 65 pounds and is by no means overweight so not sure if the WD is the best food, it seems to have alot of fiber and carbs in it?  Can you recommend a better dry food?  Someone said EVO Turkey and Chicken was good but I am just afraid to switch.  I read the label and it is no grain but you only feed like 2 cups a day?  right now I am feeding 6 cups of the WD?


You are quite correct about that SD dog is quite terrible and non-nitritions. However, your dog is 14 now and I, too, would be afraid to switch but you can if you do it SLOWLY, VERY SLOWLY. I am not a nutritionist nor a vet but I would like you to go to: and read about Life Abundance. Yes, I am a rep for this company but I am NOT PUSHING you at all. I just want you to read about the food and to perhaps, call into Dr. Jane's help line and talk to her. She does this one day a week.

Ok, having said that your dog is a diabetic and I am not comfortable recommending anything too specific. A couple of decent foods on the market are Natural Balance limited ingredients, Evo's and Calif Natural. These are grain free and you might want to try them.

The best of all would be home cooking but if you do this you must supplement with enzymes,a probiotic and vitamins. Your dog is older and compromised so I would like you to contact:

She is wonderful and can definitely give you specifics. She doesn't charge and is extremely diet conscious. She can truly lead you in the right direction. I use her to this day with my three dogs. She will set up diets for you and teach you how to supplement.

I hope this helped a little, susan