Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > chf canine ; dog food recipe meatballs;

chf canine ; dog food recipe meatballs;

18 17:24:14

QUESTION: Buffy is 14 years old weighs 6- 7 pounds she is on azodel and heart meds. I have been giving her every prescription food from g/d h/d k/d and she is eating it sometimes but only very little.  I have tried to cook for her, rice , chicken , eggs, beef, she also does not like rice or eggs.
I just orders the cq10 but I feel she is not getting all the vit's and min she needs. she is also on a phop binder.
can you please help.
Thank You
Charlott King

ANSWER: Hello Charlott,  You girl is getting old and she has heart disease.
Sometimes it is very hard to get them to eat when they are old and weak.  Yes, continue to make some foods for her.
Here is a meatball recipe ....I wonder if she will like this?

Dog Meatballs - can be used for both dogs as a snack or as a meal - YOU can use this as the Am meal or the PM meal..

Dog Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

Ground chicken
Ground beef
4% small curd cottage cheese
2 cups quaker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth
string beans
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
2 eggs
2 boiled yams or sweet potatoes -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion. Bake them at 350 until they are completely done.

Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve. They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell.

Add 1/2 to 1  NuVET Plus Wafer vitamin for each dog each day-
see here: Tell them pet nurse Marie sent you....
( referral code 81098)
Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you over....NOT sold in stores.

JUST be creative - Keep up the good work!
YOU may want to buy a doggie cook book... have a wonderful selection of cook books.

Marie Peppers
Pet Chef....
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Marie  Thank you for the receipe, Could you please tell me if this is ok to feed if buffys phosphorus is high Also could you tell me the amount of chicken and beef portions to use in the mix.  I have already purchased the nuvet wafers. Thank you so very much at least now I have something to go by, You are the only one who has taken anytime for us.  Thank You very much.
Charlott King

Hi - In the recipe for the meatballs - I would go with 1 egg and 1 egg white - ( not the two full eggs) because of the kidney troubles...
The cottage cheese is fine and the other ingredients seem fine, too.

Kidney disorders = a low protein, low phosphorus diet can help **

Diet Tips to Avoid Kidney Problems:

Dairy ingredients such as yogurt and cottage cheese can be added in moderation as they contain phosphorus but are a good source of calcium;
some dogs are less tolerant of dairy than others- ( so test out the dairy - you can do goat products, too***

Omega-3 fatty acids (which can be found in fish oil)

EGGS - Avoid yolks if possible:

Avoid egg yolks and vegetable oils as these elevate phosphorus levels

~~~As far as the NuVET - you can do 1/2 wafers - don't do a full wafer becasue she is small~~~
~~just the 1/2 dosage per day...

Let me know how you do~~~~
I can help with some other recipes...
We can talk about options.
here is my private e-mail
Marie Peppers