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potty training older maltese

20 10:00:49

I bought a rescue Maltese, who had lived in a crate as a breeder.  She would potty in her crate so training that way was out, so I chose pee pads rather than the floor.  I have taken her out for hours and not once has she ever peed or pooped in the yard.  How do I get her to start using the yard.  I am at the end of my patience.  she minds well as far as sleeping and going to her bed if I tell her.  please help.  thanks

Hello there, hope you had a good christmas.
if you use training pads, and they are working well a good idea is a potty training aid spray. The one i use is simple soloution training spray and it follows the same ideas as the  pads where the smell atracts them to go toilet.
You just spray the scent in your yard where you would like the pup to go and every so often take the pup out to that spot and let him go smell and hopefully go to the toilet.
i get it from my local large pet superstore but im sure if you search it on the internet you will be able to order it from somewhere.
Good look, all the best for the new year!
let me know how it goes.