Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Maltese - tear stains; fish zole for a few weeks ; probiotics and NuVET for Tear stains:;

Maltese - tear stains; fish zole for a few weeks ; probiotics and NuVET for Tear stains:;

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I have tried several different things to remove tear stains, I am currently giving him distilled water to drink, I have also tried giving him a half of a Tums twice a day, although the tear staining in much better it is not completely gone.  Someone else suggested that it might be allergies.  What do you think?

Follow up on Maltese Tear Stains:
I am now using Fish Zole for 2 weeks to clear up harsh stains... HOW is your little one doing?  Are the tear stains better with the food change over and NuVET /  and the Probiotic, too???
Update me please... I can help with Fish Zole antibiotic if needed.
Talk to you soon...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi Dawn!  I have a little girl Maltese too.....She gets the tear stains very slightly now because of our program -
I give her a good quality food and a few supplements.
We use Innova EVO adult food and Innova Puppy food, a 50/50 mix for her.  She is only 7 months old so I can't have her on full EVO until she is 12 months old.  The Innova Evo is grain free and found at most pet stores...

Next, the supplement we use is a Probiotic:  here is the link to flora force - Excellent for yeast and tear stains:  Great for the gut and Allergies.

Flora Force:-  This works Wonders!!!

Good for the Humans in the family, too!  ( get rid of yeast / great for allergies )
A Probiotic is a must - Flora Force - give 2 per day ----After a month he can go down to just 1 per day:
( give long term) /  you will need to go between 1-2 per day - very safe and natural...Will help to fight off allergies:


*** place into the water dish a few squirts per day***
**builds healthy blood, improves body and breath odor, tonic and gentle cleanser.

Add a squirt or two to pet's water dish daily.

Cats Magazine mentions using this for strong odor for male show cats.
Great for dogs and cats:  get rid of yeast, stains, and odors.

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Marie Peppers LPN MA