Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Male Potty training/ Male wrap belly band;

Male Potty training/ Male wrap belly band;

20 10:00:00

I have a 6 mth old Morky (maltrese/Yorkie) and he pretty much potty trained, howver, there are times after he's been running around, that he just "pee's" as he's running and Playing...sometimes, he just "pees" as he walking. another thing, he lifts his leg on EVERYTHING..sometimes even in the it time to have hi "fixed"...or do you think something may be wrong

Male potty pants;  the male wrap;
Hi Patty,  Well, yes it sounds like it is time to Neuter this boy.
He is marking and I believe it is hormonal.  I don't think he has a urine infection.
If the urine is very smelly, then see the vet for a UTI.
Yes, make an appointment ASAP for the neutering.

BEST of luck
Marie Peppers

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