Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > aggressive puppy teach bite inhibition; puppy NuVET vitamins ;

aggressive puppy teach bite inhibition; puppy NuVET vitamins ;

20 10:00:00

Our female Maltese was 11 weeks old when we bought her, and she is now 16 weeks old.  This is our first family pet and we have had our ups and downs w/ potty training, but feel we are on the right track forming a loving bond.  However, between 7pm- 9pm, she has these episodes where she bites and growls at us.  She becomes super hyper and just runs around the kitchen floor in circles.  We can't go near her because she tries to bite us.  Once we put her in her crate/playpen, she does calm down but she looks so sad and tries to come out.  We do give her walks twice a day.  What are we doing wrong??  Thank you!


Marie's Missy Maltese
Hi Sandra Lee - you need to teach this little pup bite inhibition.  Also, I think this late day energy is just puppy play..
Here is a link on bite inhibition....

Also, make sure your little pup is on a good puppy vitamin:
My maltese takes 1/2 a teaspoon of NuVET Plus supplement per day...
YOUR baby can start with 1/4 teaspoon - mixed into food per day.
After about 3 months you can keep her on 1/2 teaspoon per day.

Also, make sure you are using a quality food - We use Innova Puppy....

see NuVET here : holistic and safe: Not sold in stores
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you:
BEST to call in - for fast service :  1-800-474-7044  Use order code 81098

Good luck with your baby!