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Maltese 3 months old

20 9:59:46


I got a male maltese frm a pet store about a month ago. He's very full of spunk, but has already learned the commands sit, no, lay down, fetch. He growls loudly when he plays with his stuffed animals.  He also growls and nips, but it is getting better with the nipping, and I sense aggression, more at first, better now, but still there. We are grandparents of well behaved girls ages 6-12. every time. He weighed 2.5 lbs when I got him and on the 22nd he weighed 2.63  He's not eating much but loves his treats. He lets me brush him bathe and clean his eyes but wont let me brush his teeth. He is barking and I'm trying to discourage it by turning my back on him. Am I doing this ok...I need an excellent dog because my husband didn't want one and I begged to get him. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh, Rocky is soooo cute!  Sounds like you are doing a great job!
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