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JAZ (My 2 year old maltese)

20 10:00:58

Jaz has been housebroken since he was about 8 months old. He was litter trained.  He goes in a litter box.  He was having several "poop" accidents so we decided he wanted to "poop" outside.  Now he is 2 years old and is litter trained and "poops" outside.  He was also in his cage probably 8-12 months when we were not home.  We haven't used the cage for at least 8-10 months now.  Problem - we are going on vacation Aug 4 and my mom is dogsitting at her house.  Jaz knows her and we are taking Jaz to her apt so he gets used to it.  My question is do you think Jaz will stay in the cage when she goes out.  I don't think this will be very often but she is worried about him charging out the door when she gets home.  Let me know what you think.  We brought the cage back in the picture at our house for him to get used to it and see what he does with it.  Any help would be great.  Thanks!!!

Hi its great to see that you are considering all the options. Im going on hol soon and i hate leaving my pup lol.
does your mum not have a small room thats enclosed that se can set him up in with his own basket litter tray etc eg when he goes to visit let him stay for the weekend with a trial run and at night place him in this room when she goes to bed so he gets used to being alone in this room. He is probably used to his freedom since you got rid of the cage so i would try not to brimg it back, but it is entirley up to you he may see it now as a form of punishment. Let me know how it goes and what you think to this method and if not i can try to give you more advice.
Good luck !