Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Maltese dog skin turns red all over

Maltese dog skin turns red all over

20 10:00:48

QUESTION: Our little Maltese seems to be getting worse.  His little hide turns red all over his body.  He scratches and rips his skin open until it bleeds.  We have even tried medicated shampoo it only helps temporarily. Please help.

ANSWER: Hi sorry i have only just got your email i have been on holiday what seems to be the problem with the pup,
have you been to see a vet as the symptoms seem pretty bad.
do you think it could be an allergy?
please give me more detail and i shall try my best to help
best wishes

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I have wondered if it is an allergy. It happens off and on - meaning it doesn't continue it is sporadic.  I have no idea what it could be unless it is some type of allergy.  If he gets excited or we have visitors in the home it seems to  occur again.  He will also have breathing irregularities when the skin turns red.  
What do you think it may be?  Thank you for your help.

it definatley sounds like an allergy,
i would advise you to take him to the vets as you will need to know what it is.

my maltese when we took him away began shaking and panting it was so odd and we thought it was an allergy he has never done it at home anyway it turned out we thought he was allergic to ducks lol as there was a pond near us so so odd but allergies ca get worse so you do need to know what it is.
let me know how you get on
good luck.