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hypo allergenic

20 10:01:12

I want to get a dog for our family but i am allergic to dogs and have asthma from them. What do you feel about the maltese breed being good for asthma dog allergy sufferers?

I too have chronic allergies and asthma. I chose the maltese dog because many people say that it does not shed very much and is a good choice for people who need a hypoallergenic dog. My personal pet, Frissbee the Great, is a great maltese because he does not seem to shed at all. His hair grows very slow and is absolutely beautiful. I do not know if this is true of all maltese breeds becuse my personal pet is a larger maltese purebreed champion.

Other mix dogs may carry the shedding gene. As far as the allergies are concerned, it is not the actual dog that I am allergic to, but rather the grooming shampoos and flea poweder chemicals that the grooming place used on him that make me sneeze. After a while, however, the shampoo comes off and it is time for Frisbee to get another bath. I recommend you investigate the shampoos and other chemicals that goomers use on your pet before getting him or her bathed if allergies are a real problem for you.

To be absolutely sure your pet will not cause you problems, have a look at the parents if you can (if a puppy) or spend at least a week with the dog you chose to get before making the committment. Even if I was allergic to Frisbee, I would still love him like a little child. A maltese is a great choice!