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maltese miracle coat foam bath; pet nurse marie loves miracle coat waterless bath.....

20 10:00:19

I have a two month old maltese tht i am trying to house break.... i am crate training... so during the day he messes himself and turns his coat dingy and stinky.... i know i cant bathe him daily, how can i help keep him clean and not smelling so bad??

Hi Stacy - I sure understand the potty training ....
HOW about some Foam Bath / miracle coat makes one that doesn't need to be rinsed off / Smells so good:
Just use a baby wipe / the human kind and pop a little foam on and wipe your maltese...
Here is a link for the miracle coat foam bath:

Don't forget a good NuVET vitamin for your baby //// Wafer treats...

Marie Peppers LPN MA