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foods for maltese; home-cooking for dogs;

20 9:59:52

I home prepare the food for Sparky, my three and a half year old Maltese.  I would like to know which are the best vegetables and meats to feed him and also if I should include some fruits.  I have read some conflicting advice as to this.  Thank you,  Ana

maltese feeding ; home-cooking dog food for maltese:
KEEP me posted:  I love up-dates....  ( Marie of Ask the Pet Nurse)

Hi - Well, your home cooking list looks very good:  Dogs do not need grapes or too many fruits. Even veggies are not needed as much as Good quality meats.
Just keep that in mind.  If your Sparky likes the fruits, then fine.  
Sparky will get more benefits from yogurt, tofu, or meats.
Keep my e-mail for the future:
Marie Peppers ( ask the PET Nurse )

Hi - Anna, How about you give me a list of what you like to feed.  I can tell you if the items are ok for your Sparky.
I hope you are using a supplement with the home cooking?

Here is an example of a good dog meatball recipe and dog vitamin:

Meatballs - can be used for both dogs as a snack or as a meal - YOU can use this as the Am meal or the PM meal..


Dog Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

Ground chicken (1/2 lb
Ground beef  (1/4 lb
4% small curd cottage cheese
2 cups quaker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth or water
string beans (1/2 can
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
3 eggs
2 boiled yams or sweet potatoes -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion.
Bake them at 350 until they are completely done.
Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve.

They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell.

Add 1 NuVET Plus Wafer vitamin for each dog each day-
see here:
Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you over....NOT sold in stores.

NuVET also comes in a powder form....

Add a NuVET Vitamin  ( you can get the Powder )- to finished off the food /  

NUVET .... vitamins when you cook your own dog food.
Vitamins / Supplements are great to have for any dog at any age.
Here is the NuVET info-
39.00 for a 60 count bottle
ask for the 15% off
1-800-474-7044  ( give order code 81098...... thanks)

Keep me posted...
Give me a list of what you like to use for your meals...

I am glad to help!

Marie Peppers LPN MA