Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > weight and brown spots

weight and brown spots

20 10:00:53

QUESTION: Hi... my Maltese is 7 months old and weighs 3 kgs, I wanted to know if that was a normal weight... she is quite active and she also has brown patch type of marks on her tummy and around the nose, have also notice a little on her back.... would like to know what it is?

ANSWER: lol dont worry about the brown spots unless they are skin problems eg painful, they are just pigment in the skin eg like freckles lol my dog has them all over his tum and private parts because it was such a funny color we thought it was bruising lol but then all was revealed as the color changed lol

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can you tell me if the weight of my 7 month old Maltese is right for her age.... she is 6.6 lbs or 3 kgs?
And what weight she will be when she is older?

hi i took this from a follow up from someone to my q:
You can tell the weigh your puppy is going to have as an adult, by double his weight an 10 to 12 weeks old, example; if your puppy weighs 2 pounds at 10 weeks old it means hes probably going to be about 4 41/2 pounds as an adult

i mean as long as your pup does not seem too overweight or underweight to look and feel at your gonna be ok but regular health check ups at the vets usually indicate problems but my maltese boy is 16months and he weighs 5.5kg and the reccomended weight is 5 but i though he seems to be getting a little plump but he was ok its the fur its decieving you cant see much body fat due to all the fur lol!!!