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Post Grooming Discomfort

20 10:00:29

My Maltese had several mats, so we unfortunately resorted to shaving her to start over. It has been four days and she is still acting very uncomfortable.  She will only take a few steps before sitting down and biting at her butt. She is at the point now where she panics if she has to walk without being able to sit down on some type of cloth/blanket.  She seems to be extremely uncomfortable but her skin does not look irritated or red. The vet said he didn't notice any major problems and gave her a cortisone shot yesterday.  That has yet to help.  Any ideas what could have happened or how I can comfort her?

This is such a common problem i am finding with maltese it has happened three times to us before i realised what the problem was.
Shaving is not for maltese the sensation irritates them. my maltese would begin to walk then whip his head around to his bum he was in real pain shaking at night etc and got ill with it to be honest the only thing you can do is wait for the irritation to heal lol i used baby sudacream on him and put some pants on to stop rubbing lol extreme i know but he was in such pain.
We were the same due to matting and the only soloution is to grrom regular and take for regular cuts.  PLease dont shave again. thats what we have resulted to.
At first we thought it was a problem with his anal glands but after it happening each time after being shaved we realised. he was skaking and wouldnt move it was horible for him and i have some pictures and in them you can see he is ill in his eyes.
I had another q similar to this and what some people dont realise is that the shaving causes the prob and they think oh my god my dog is ill for no reason and panic and to be honest the vets can only give something for the pain. Now i know i avoid doning this as it is putting unnesecary chemicals in my dogs body so i wait it out thats just my way.
Dont worry she will perk up. It will take around a week but honest i know how worry you must be just give her lots  of love.
Kind wishes....
Maltese odd little dogs lol