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Night time.

20 10:00:44

My little dog Jazz, who is a  lhatese, hates sleeping or even being alone when it gets dark outside.
This can get a bit annoying when you are trying to sleep, after a long day.
I gave up trying to make him sleep in a different room, so now he is sleeping by my bed. Problem is, he seems to have to see me, and hear me breathe, or else he'll start screaming and crying, and he just doesn't stop. Sometimes I let him sleep in the bed with me, and he sleeps perfect, but that's not really a way to go for me.

What can i do to make it better for him to sleep alone?

And, since he's only 4 months, will this go away when he becomes more used to the 'new' house, and things. Or am I just spoiling him?

Thank you very much.

no if you want it to stop you will have to start now otherwise you are giving him the idea that its ok.

If your going to allow him to sleep in your room make hime stay in his basket at the foot of the bed for example.
a good idea would be to try to put him to bed at same time
Good luck