Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > 3 yr old Maltese male wets on my bed

3 yr old Maltese male wets on my bed

20 10:00:30


Toby - very vocal and
It started by Toby wetting on my bed while I wasn't home. Just today, he stood there and lifted his leg while I was watching. I immediatley told him "no potty" and gave the off command. I haven't allowed him back on the bed. Why is he doing this? He's a very smart little guy and very obedient, usually. I'm perplexed.

I love the photo of Toby !!!!  HOW cute!
Now, for your question....

We need to rule out any urinary tract infection.... He is too young to be having prostate troubles.
At first you would think this is behavioral but the chance of him having a UTI is very common.  Many times a small UTI will start a male or female to having, (on purpose accidents) potty problems....

So, a vet visit would be a good idea -

If you want to try the Behavioral route:  Wash your bedding down with very hot water and a special laundry detergent to get rid of any pet smells.  Some laundry detergents will not get rid of all the Urine smell - The human many not be able to smell it but the Dog can.
They have 200 x the scent that We humans have.

Also, make sure he has no access to your room when you are not home.
Make sure you can see him at all times or place him in a crate or behind a "baby" gate.  He needs to earn the option of going into your bedroom.

If he does have a UTI - you may want to get the Male Wrap for him when you can't watch him.  A male wrap or belly band is wonderful to have!  ( I use them here at my Doggie Hotel - some of my guests want to mark up my home)

Well, a good supplement can help to keep your boy healthy,
NuVET is wonderful and many Maltese doggies take just 1/2 of a wafer per day/
Here is the info:

Well, Let me know what happens...

BEST of Luck with your little Cutie!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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