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potty training

20 10:00:30

Hi there,
I have two maltese puppies, both 11 months now, and am having the most difficult time potty training them. I am home all day and frequently put them in their bed for naps in hopes of crate training but still, they just don't get it. I can't even get them to go two hours without having an accident which just seems crazy. I know they are capable of holding it because they do on occasion. I limit their water intake and take them out often but I'll literally come back inside after 30 minutes to an hour and there will be a flood! Please help!! I love them to death but i just can't keep up with them!!

Hi Katie - My little Maltese girl is only 8 months old and I have been having the same troubles.  She seems to need a potty break every hour or two when awake...The smallest bladders I have ever seen in any breed...?
Anyway, I have her going about 3 hrs now and I believe it is the good vitamins I have her on ... this is what I recommend for your kids.

Give 1/2 a NuVET wafer to each doggie per day - The NuVET strengthens the system and helps the digestive and urinary anatomy to function well.
Also, I give her some Vitamin E ( 100 IU ) every OTHER day - I hide this is some cheese.
The NuVET I give in the food - I just break it up into a few bites.
All your kids will need is 1/2 wafer per day / each doggie-
A wafer costs about .60 cents per day

Here is the ordering link for NuVET - Only sold thru holistic vets and special kennels.

Good Luck -  Limit the water and potty them as often as possible.
Add the supplement and Vit E to your kid's diet.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA
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