Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Coat ; whitening shampoo; nuvet plus ; angel eyes; tear stains;

Coat ; whitening shampoo; nuvet plus ; angel eyes; tear stains;

20 10:00:14

My 3-yr old Maltese's coat is turning caramel colored.  I am feeding her Nutrol since a pup. I did check out all the treats about 3 months ago and threw out anything with dye.   I do give her Angel Eye's for tearing stains, but that product says it whitens the  coat. Any suggestions?

Hi Lana - Yes, your Maltese needs a better food, supplement and a special shampoo for white coats...
1.  Let's get this gal onto a better food:  Here are a few you can find at the local pet store:  Mix the new GRAIN-free food and your Nutro food at a 50:50 mix for 3 weeks.  Then, go to 100% grain free feeding...
Innova Evo, Wellness Core, Merrick Before Grain, --- If you can't find them you can also order SoJo food mixes right to your door.
We get our SoJo and free shipping.  My little Maltese loves MOM cooking her SoJo / this is a grain free dog food mix and I add the lightly cooked meats/ SO just like home-cooked by me... ( mom )
Some pets stores do sell SoJo but I get it at my door with the free shipping... Makes it easy for me.

2.  Ok, You will need a good shampoo - wash your baby 2 x per month with a Whitening shampoo / it will help to add luster to the coat.
Here is a link to a good one - you may be able to find this at the local pet store/
Here is an example:
Snow White Dog Shampoo  ( for "light" coat colors too)

3.  If the tear stains are bad / stop the Angel Eyes and do this:

NEXT - Metronidazole 100 tab.  Give you baby 1/2 per day for 3-4 weeks.
Talk to you vet about this product or order it here:

Revival Animal Health/  You will see it is called Fish Zole - the same thing the VET will give you for the Dog....
Contact me if you want to take about this:

Here is the link to Revival Health...

Next, My baby takes a NuVET each day- NuVET Plus helps her to keep her immune system strong and fight off allergies:
I have been giving my Maltese a NuVET 1/2 wafer for 6 months now.  She is so healthy and has a beautiful Coat!!!!
SEE here for NuVET ordering

Make sure you tell them Marie Peppers sent you : use this order codee and ask for the 15 % OFF...  ( look for the 60 count of NuVET wafers) NuVET Plus - a 60 count could last you 4 months.  
Some dogs just take 1/2 per day and others take a full wafer per day:
Depends on how bad the health issues or allergies are.
YOU may want to start with a full one per day.

If I see any evidence of excessive tear stains we start up on the Fish zole product 250 mg,  JUST 1 per day for 7 days.
Again, you may want to take with your vet about this Metronidazole drug....It sure does work well on tear stains.