Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > would i choose maltese, pomeranian or poodle?

would i choose maltese, pomeranian or poodle?

20 10:00:28

QUESTION: hi im nino, i live in an apartment with a small backyard. i would like to take care of a pet. im choosing between maltese, pomeranian and poodle. i dont know which one to choose. which one do you prefer? i like the one that's good on kids because i have little baby brothers. i also like a smart one that can learn tricks and not poops around everywhere. i also like the one thats not demanding because i have work and cant take them on a walk that much. please help me on which one to get and which one would be better pet for me. thanks.

ANSWER: Great to hear your thinking of getting a new pup !
Well there all aorund the same size so they are not too demanding in relation to walks, maltese are very clever they are even used to aid disabled people in some cases.
Another advantage is they do not malt so no unwanted hairs around the house and on clothes.
If you get from a puppy get from a reputable breeder and introduce to kids from the start then it will be all he has ever known.
Does this help you.?
I must admit i am inclined to say maltese as thats what i have but its clear that a little dog of any of these breeds would suit your needs with caeful training.
Best wishes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi thanks, it does give me idea. so your thinking among this 3, maltese would be very suitable? and another question, i already reserved a maltese and im getting it next month, it's a newly born puppy just seperated from parents and im not sure how to train them to do their thing on their litter. also can maltese learn tricks? thanks

Yes i would say so,
If you look at my previous qs it may help you with the litter training i have loads of tips and ways to train quickly that may help you.
Yes maltese learn easily as puppies mine rolls over gives paw and high five stands on his back two legs lays etc.
Good luck with your new pup you sound excited and its great your getting advice do you have a name yet?
Kindest wishes