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me again

20 10:00:54

to many follow ups thank you for your advice it did work she hasn't improved much with the aggressive side of things but she does stay in her basket when i put her there.and i think your right about her being possesive she is also possesive over me she bit my sister yesterday when we were play fighting and our maid always gets the fright of her life when she comes near me as she growls and snaps.what i wanted to ask you was will it make her distraught when we move because we are moving at the end of the month and I'm worried she will run away or something.

A new move is a new chance to start again make sure you keep letting her know who is boss. Walk her outside in the new environment and get your made familiar with her and perhaps with how to disipline her when she bites dont draw lots of attention to it this will only increase the dogs anxiety let her know the behaviour is unwanted with a firm no and punish her in her basket or perhaps give her time out in a room on her own eventually she will realise that if she misbehaves she gets punished and hopefully the behaviour will stop