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arthritis in Maltese ; vet chiropractor and supplements;

20 9:59:44

Milo our 10 year olsd maltise is going thru a really rough time and they have put him on pain piils muscle relaxers and atopica for allergies and he has severe arthritis in both of his back legs and now he just wants to lay around all the time. I'm also taking him to see a vet chiropractor and she is also giving him laser and heat therapy we've only done one treatment but I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for us. He is our little fur baby and he has not been himself for a while and I'm really worried about him.. Thank you so much..

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Poor little Milo the Maltese!  Wow - you have him on a number of drugs.
I wonder if you can try to add some Natural Options to his diet?

1.  Flax seed oil helps to reduce inflammation in dogs and humans with arthritis.
Just 1/2 teaspoon per day - mixed into her dog food:

2.  A Holistic Dog food can sure help - Loaded with Superior Ingredients!
We use Life's Abundance at our Kennel/clinic:
Fresh to your door - NEVER a re-call.... VERY Natural:
You may want to order the can crab dog food and the Dry kibble:
SEE here to order:  NOT in Stores:
You can try a Sample:

3.  NuJoint Plus is a great product to reduce the pain of arthritis.
It's a All Natural Anti-inflammatory that won't hurt your pet's liver and kidneys.
Order here:
Call 1-800-474-7044   ( Give Discount code 81098)
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you for the Nu JOINT Plus
Just 2-3 per day will do the trick - long term / Safe.

I don't know how long you can give the Harsh drugs from your Vet without doing damage to your Maltese's liver.  Ask your Vet about the side effects of the drugs.

For allergies and itching/ NuVET also makes NuVET Plus:
See here:

HOPE this helps.
Give me a call if you need me.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse