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Prolonged Heat?

20 10:00:31

My Yorkie is on her 20th day of bleeding, she was bred on the 14th and 16th days of her heat. My home veterinary book has me scared that it could be an ovarian tumor (or cyst, which may resolve easily), my vet didn't seem too concerned, said to bring her in if it continues for more than 3 more days. I don't want the vet doing a lot of tests if she is pregnant, but don't want to let a potential malignancy go, either. Do you have any experience w/this? All of her other heats have been normal, she's 5....thanks!

Tracy - they can do a blood test to see if her white blood cells are elevated which would indicate infection.  So, I don't think they will do too many tests at all.  YOUR vet is correct in you waiting a few more days to see.
Could be just a slight imbalance.  Keep your fingers crossed !
Best wishes....
Try not to worry!

Marie Peppers LPN MA