Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > HELP!!!!!


20 10:00:29

how do i potty train my maltise/shih tzu? i have tried everything. rubbing his nose in it. smacking him. (i know its wrong but i get so mad)he is a year old. i dont know what else to do. i tried talking,yelling, coaxing. Now not only does he pee when he has to go but he pees 'cause he's scared. i need help...please!!!. i have thought of the pound and selling him. but i love him and dont want to but i also dont want to hurt him. so please, somebody,anybody. HELP!!!

First of all dont worry your stress transfers to him.
Dogs live in the moment and lets stop and turn over a new leaf!
Rules to get improvement,
no shouting smacking or rubbing his nose in it believe me these methods dont work you can tell that no?
Its all aboutn praise? i need more info what are you using potty pads?
also you need to clean the areas that he goes in with stain and odour remover otherwise he will always attracted to that spot.
Start at the beginning lots of pads in areas he goes most,
when he goes pick him up place him on the pad say yaeh good boy!!!
continue to praise he will love it eventually remove pads to leave one next to door then eventually put this outside door and let him out to it.?
Let me know how this works?