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Weight of my maltese puppy.

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Hi, I got a male maltese puppy two weeks ago, he was 12 weeks on July 1st and his weight is 3 pounds (after poops :), I wonder what will be his adult weight because when I bought him the breeder told me he'd be about 5 pounds and that his mom was no more than 5 pounds but I think he's getting to heavy for that. He also had some tear staining (I think the people who had him where not so careful about his looks although he's perfectly socialized and in good health) and I read about giving him vinegar or Tums to change the urine PH, well, instead of vinegar I'm giving him vitamine C with no aditives and I believe he's starting to get better, do you actually believe vitamine C can help? Thank you and have a good day.

hi my maltese suffered from tear staining and i swear by a product called eye envy you need a three piece kit which i bought from
its wonderful. Someone also suggested to me to us distilled water for him to drink as it has less minerals? but the eye envy worked so well i disnt bother but you must use the eye envy religiously