Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Around my dogs eyes are irritated and red

Around my dogs eyes are irritated and red

20 10:00:13

Hello! Around my dog's eyes are irritated and red. He has been rubbing his eyes off the carpet and making it worse. So we put the E collar (cone) on him but his eyes are constantly tearing up. I wipe it often to get the discharge off. Is there something I can wipe to get the redness out? Please help!

You definatley need to see your vet.
Dont worry it is not uncommon for maltese to have problems with their eyes sometimes they have problems with their tear ducts which is why you see some dogs with tear staining. in some cases it is not excessive but your dog seems like it is irritating him therefore it could be some allergy or an infection. Your vet will be able to determine this more clearly as he will see him.
Main thing is not to worry it will be able to get sorted and some eyedrops may be the answer.
Please let me know how you get on kind wishes