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Housebreaking a maltese; maltese vitamins;

20 9:59:53

I have a 5 month old maltipoo (Daisy). We are working on housebreaking her with crate and scheduled walks. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old and tried originally to use wee wee pads so we could avoid having to take her out in bad weather. I felt we weren't making progress with that, and we are consulting with a trainer now. She is not in favor of indoor training. Can you tell me if you have seen a maltese or maltipoo successfully learn to go both outside and inside (in bad weather)? Also: should we buy Daisy a coat and raincoat for the cold/rainy weather or is it not necessary? We live in New Jersey and it is starting to get cold now.


Hi Dave - I have been very lucky with my Maltese gal.  We had lived in Alaska and she used the wee wee pads for at least 4 months out of the year.  The weather was below Zero...  My girl did not mind the snow and temps above 20 degrees.  I did not even put booties or a coat on her because we were in and out in 5 minutes or less.  

I have seen many dogs use potty pads or go outside to do the potty business.
My Maltese was not easy to 100% train.  It took us 9 months before she was free from accidents.
She has a little bladder and needed to potty every 2-3 hours ( when awake ), until she was 1 year old.

Just keep working with her and your trainer.  Tell the trainer you want to do potty pads as a back up when you are not home or snow days.

Dont' forget a good Maltese vitamin - We love our NuVET wafers....My girl took 1/2 per day and when she was 1 year we put her up to 1 full NuVET wafer per day - helps to get rid of tear stains and keeps the VET AWAY...
Holistic and sold here:
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you over.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse