Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > my pup is being deviant!!!

my pup is being deviant!!!

20 10:00:10

I have a 7mo old maltese male named parker.when I purchased him from a breeder at 2mo,he was already paper trained.his 1st week home,he only had one pee pee accident but has always pooped on his pad....well for the past 2 weeks,parker has bn peeing & pooping on his pee pee pad as well as this rug in my living room.ive even washed the rug but he still pees/poops on a stay at home mom (of a 1yr who gets along w/parker quite well) however sometimes when I run errands or even take a nap,i am burdeoned by parker getting into th trash.i knw I should probably gt a new garbage can with a better lid but I'm just curious as to why his behavior has become so abnormal & how I can correct it.when he pee's on th rug,i spank his nose with a newspaper & put him in time out inside my half not sure what to do next because nothing seems to work...oh & I also want to know why he nips so much...he bites everyone (playfully) however sometimes theyr kind of painful,how can I get him to stop...
thanks for your time!

Hi Charmaine,  Almost all you have mentioned is very normal.
Just puppy behaviors....
Please take your question over to our dog behavior experts here at the All Experts site.
There are many folks that can direct you better than I.
MOSTLY, I deal with feeding and health problems.

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers