Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > maltese ashma like coughing

maltese ashma like coughing

20 10:00:40

i have a 2 year old maltese. she seems fine most of the time but at other times she sounds like she is having an asthma  attack. it may go on for up to 2 min. and then she is fine. she runs around and plays and seems healthy. she could be at rest and still get these attacks. thanks.
scott  ohio

Really i have never heard of this?
I would suggest discussing it with your vet it could be useful to make a note of how often this is happening and what seems to cause or trigger it and also how long it is lasting as this may really help your vet distinguish the problem?
I wonder if it is some sort of allergy related problem.
Kindest regards
let me know how you get on