Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > Female maltese growling

Female maltese growling

20 10:00:43

Hi there,  I have a 3 yr old female maltese
(not sure what she is mixed with) has black and white markings.  She is really like the baby in the family.  However she is very jeolous of my daughter who is 17yrs old.  She growls at her most of the time - especially when she comes near me, then she feels sorry later.  What can I do about this?

she is getting agressive and dominant lets stop it now!!
each time she does it say no firmly pick her up hold her skin on  her neck gently when you do this as this is where the mum used to pick pups up.
anyway put her in her basket for 5 mins this should deter her from this negative behavioiur dont feel sorry for her.
get into doing this every time.

good luck