Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > maltese male wrap ;

maltese male wrap ;

20 10:00:01


Could you  please advise what would be best way to stop our 4 yr old Maltese messing in the house ? It is mostly just peeing in certain  areas of the flat . He is not neutered. We did not house train him in the beginning and last two years it has become worse. How often does one need to take him out ? There is quite a gap of 10-11 hrs in the day because he refuses to go except with one member of the family(ME! ) who is not available during the day.Worse in summer when outside temp is 45 degrees centigrade He does mess  sometimes even outside these day  hours . It appears that is a retaliation for me going out for an evening . He is also very jealous since our grandson arrived two years ago.

I love him too much to see any other remedy.

Anil Bhardwaj  

Oh boy...WELL - how about the male wrap or the male belly band... YOU would place this on his penis and put a female maxi pad inside.
YOU can buy the Female maxi pads ( for humans) and cut them into 1/2..
Here is a link to what I have mentioned.
I don't see any other way>>>>
Good Luck
MALE wrap