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My male Maltese....

20 10:00:52

I have two dogs, a prue male Maltese and a female Maltese / Bichon (sp?) mix. She is in heat and he, although about 1/2 her size, keeps trying to mount her. He continually bites at her rear and even tries to mount her while she is trying to urinate...delaying his own urination until we come back into the house. I need advise on how to handle this...PLEASE!!???

in would consider having your dog neutered if you dont wish to breed however if not basic punishment for this behaviour is the answer you may notice that he may do this leter on in the day to relieve excess energy and the sleep he may even use teddies? do not a.llow any of this behaviour and place him in his basket as a punisment for it.
good luck
let me know how it goes