Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Maltese > puppy innova feeding ; puppy vitamins;

puppy innova feeding ; puppy vitamins;

20 10:00:12

QUESTION: Hi again! My new pup is now eating innova and likes it alot, my concern is: she only poops once a day that I am aware of and that is in the morning. She is in a xpen at night with litter box and crate and always pees in it, but I never see evidence of poo, until we get up and she goes the next morning!  Is this normal, or could I be missing something.....Thanks!

ANSWER: Hi - The Innova is a very condensed food.... So, 1 poop per day may be all she is going to do right now.  It has very little waste compaired to a food with corn and rice.
Also, I hope you ordered the NuVET wafers - Just 1/2 per day is all she needs... KEEPS the vet away.

order the NuVET here:  call in and they will send it right out...
Tell them pet nurse Marie sent you over....

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Good Luck with the pup!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will get the wafers and your answer about innova, does that mean that it is good food for them and how could I tell if she gets up in the middle of the night and poops and then eats it..She don't do that if she goes anywhere else though. Just paranoid about her eating it, I know its a hard habit to break if she were, but maybe!!! the innova is not being wasted, since it is so condensed?

~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow up on Innova Puppy food ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi guys -  How are you doing with the new puppy food and NuVET wafer vitamins?
Let me know if you need more help...
Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse

Hi - The Innova has ingredients that are utilized by the body and are digested well.  So, you will get less poops and smaller poops..
If you think she may be eating her poop????  give her a few bites of cooked zucchini mixed with the Innova food- just 1 teaspoon per day - cook the zucchini in a dab of butter and a dab of garlic powder ...This will make the poop taste bad and they won't eat it.
( most of the time this works...)

Also, the NuVET Wafers - help the dogs to not eat the poop.

She may or may not be eating poop... Hard to say..
My Maltese sometimes still eats her poop - she is 1 yr old now.
She gets a wonderful dog food and the NuVET - but old habits are hard to break...
I sometimes see the SMEAR evidence of poop that has been eaten?

Good Luck and have fun!!!

Marie Pepper LPN MA