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Lonely male zebra finch

23 9:57:44

I currently have a single male zebra finch with 2 eggs that were laid just 3 days ago.

I forgot to properly close the door to the cage, and the female flew out of her cage when it was in the backyard. =(

the male finch is still diligently sitting on his eggs, and I've read your previous answer to another person about hand-feeding baby finches.

What I was wondering if its possible to buy a new female finch (that may already be laying eggs) and hope she'll get along with the male and may help hatch the eggs and raise the chicks?

the eggs aren't even a week old yet, so is it possible? or would the male finch just ignore the new female, and the female have nothing to do with the eggs?

It is not possible to introduce a new female now. If you don't want to hand-feed the babies themselves. You can TRY Society finches. Societies are the birds of choice when it comes to fostering and will sit on any eggs that are in their nest. Try to get two Bengalese Societies (the ones that are almost completely dark brown) if you can since they seem to have the best parenting instincts