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Hurt Wild Bird

23 9:58:08


My sister went out and found the neighbors cat with a bird. She said that the bird was chirping and that is what grabbed her attention. She took the cat inside and when she went out the bird was laying on the lawn with its eyes closed. It looked like the cat took out some feathers and she cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and put some antibiotic cream on the bald spots on the back and underside. then she put it in a box in a towel. When I came home. She had put some gauze and medical tape around it. I told her that she shouldn't have and we took it off and had to cut a few feather tips off(no flight feathers). Now it is partially wet and sitting in a grass nest-like thing that we put on the towel. My sister also put a warm, dry rag around it. We put the box in our garage with a dish of water. It is warm in there and it refused a grasshopper that we offered it. It looked like it was just resting with its eyes closed and breathing, but when we picked it up to take the tape off, it opened its eyes. I think that it might be a lesser goldfinch but I could be wrong so I attached a picture. I was wondering if there was anything else that we could do for it. Tomorrow we will bring it to the local "bird man" and see if he can do anything if is still alive.

I've done a little research and it looks like it is more than likely a female Lesser Goldfinch like you thought.
It sounds like you are doing everything right with the exception of one thing, finches eat seeds not insects. Buying some wild bird food from a store and offering it to her is a good idea. Make sure the water is fresh daily (and also the water dish is cleaned regularly)so nothing has a chance to grow in the dish to make the bird worse off that it already is.
Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Keep doing what your doing, make sure where it is and what it's sleeping is clean, and cross your fingers.