Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > red factor canary

red factor canary

23 9:59:03

My canary is about a year old. She has not been singing or bathing. She is eating but has poop stuck to her behind, it just looks really messy. There is poop in her cage so I'm not thinking she is constipated. Since she has not been bathing I sprayed her with a spray water bottle. She went to the bottom of the cage and acted like to couldn't get back up on her perch. Now that she has dried she is back up on her perch again. Can you please give me some advice?

Thank you,

Canaries are out of my expertise but if a finch of mine was like that I would take it to the vet. My advice is to take it to a reputable vet and get it looked over. Also, don't let the doctor fool you with that "rice water" bit. If the vet suggests that, go to a different vet