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Baby zebra finch yellow sack on neck/sexes.

23 9:58:14


Clear photo of their N
What is the sack around the babies necks? It looks likes it's filled with yellow and black seeds their parents have fed them, but it also looks very strange. When will that sack go away? Also, two of the babies feathers have started growing in white, the other in grey. Is this some sort of indication of their sex?

Those "sacks" are the babies' crops. The parents have them too. I don't know entirely why they have them but it has something to do with the food they eat. It's nothing bad. All birds have it. The fact that the crops are so full is an excellent sign. The parents are doing their job and with any luck the babies will learn how to care for the young they will one day from their parents. The crops will get small when the babies get older though.
The feathers are in no way an indication of sex. The babies are FAR too young to be able to tell visually what sex they are. The feathers are merely showing what they will look like as adults. From the looks of it you will have two white zebras and one regular gray one.
The babies are coming along nicely and from the picture look like three healthy babies. Best not to interfere too much with the babies (just in case the parents abandon them) but otherwise, you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy watching them grow