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Baby finches in an aviary

23 9:58:59

We have three baby finches, and I believe they are going to
be trying to venture out of the nest soon. The problem I
have is that I heard they don't fly the first time they
fledge..and I can't see their little bodies taking much a
fall, and its around a foot if not more to the plastic
bottom. Would they be fine and my worries not need to be so,
or should we do something? There are branches for the big
birds, but if they don't fly..they won't be able to get to
those branches.

Baby birds must first learn how to fly. So like every other kid in the world, they will will fall until they get the hang on it. There are a few things you can do to make their job a little easier.
First off, if you are worried about the fall, but something on the bottom of the cage to soften the landing. I personally use litter/bedding that is used for other cages animals like rabbits. This way, even when they fall, it won't be as bad.
Secondly, have some perches on the bottom that lead them back up to the top but make sure the spacing is wide enough for them to get some practice in. It may take a few tries for you to get the spacing right.
Finally, make sure you have some rope perches (these can be bought at almost any petstore) in the cage. Remember, these babies have never been on hard wood perches before.
One thing I find is that the babies can't find the nest again so you'll need to keep an eye on them and if they start looking tired, you'll need to put them back into the nest yourself. At least until they learn where it is themselves.