Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Finches > House Finch

House Finch

23 9:57:36

QUESTION: 4 days ago I found what I believe to be a house finch in the middle of the street in traffic. He just wouldn't move as cars drove by and over him. When I got to him he was just frozen didn't move at all. Took him home put him in a small cage with water and seed. I am a caretaker of 6 parrots ranging from tiels to macaws. Found his left foot and toes to be somewhat useless. He has trouble perching. Flies in the house pretty good. I've isolated him in a separate room for my other birds sake and his. Concerned about releasing him back in the wild with his bad foot. If I decide to keep him are there domestic finches that can coincide with a house finch? Thank you

ANSWER: It depends on the species of finch. Is it possible to get a picture of your finch?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Mr Finch
Mr Finch  
QUESTION: Here is his pic, you can sort of get an idea of his left foot and toes.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough on wild birds to help you pick a companion (domesicated finches would NOT be a good idea). Normally I would say release him into the wild but due to his leg you have a choice to make; either care for the bird yourself (which will require a LOT of research you'll have to mimic his habitat) or try and find a bird sanctuary that can care for the little guy's needs. I don't know how it works in the states but here an avian vet would be a good place to start to find one